Discover the Lakes Issyk-Kol, Son-Kol, and Kol-Suu.

High mountain lakes of Kyrgyzstan like hidden pearls among the Celestial Mountains. The jailoos are the pastures where Kyrgyz shepherds tend their flocks in the summer, and Song-Kol is the jewel of the jailoos, a stunning 270 km2 of sparkling water at 3016 m, surrounded by 3700 m mountains on all sides. For the fullest jailoo experience, approach the lake via the mountains, moving from jailoo to jailoo and staying with shepherd families in remote meadows far off the beaten path. Enjoy homemade jam, fresh cream, bread still warm from the oven, and the best kymyz (fermented mare’s milk). Issyk-Kol Lake is the seventh deepest lakes in the world. Water is salty and never freezes. Kol-Suu Lake is a hidden treasure of the Ak-Sai mountains. Amazing basin and high mountains surrounding give an unforgettable feeling of adventure.

June – mid-September


9 day Day


Price starts

  • Itinerary: Bishkek – Burana Tower –Chong-Kemin National Park – Karakol-Altyn-Arashan-Bokonbaevo-Naryn-Kol-Suu-Son-Kol– Bishkek
  • Highlights:   Son-Kol Lake, Jeti-Oguz,  Canyon Skazka, Altyn-Arashan, Chong-Kemin National Park, Burana

Day 1: Bishkek

Arrival at Manas airport. Pick up and transfer to Bishkek. Hotel accommodation. (Optional to do city tour).

Day 2: Bishkek-ChonKemin

Leave for Chong-Kemin Valley (approx .3 hours drive). On the way, visit the Burana Tower architectural complex (10-11th century, an important point on the Great Silk Road), 15km from the main road. At lunchtime arrival in Chon Kemin, accommodation in the guest house “Ashu”. after lunch take rafting on the river Chong-Kemin (class 2 & class 3). Dinner and overnight in the guest house Ashuu.

Driving time: 2 hours

Day 3: ChonKemin-Karakol region

Continue the drive to Karakol (about 4 hours). On the way make a stop in Cholpon-Ata to visit an open-air petroglyph (rock painting) gallery (5km from Cholpon-Ata, heading to the mountains). Lunch at café. Afternoon arrival in the farm hotel Reina Kench. Welcome to local rancho, sightseeing around and wandering the nature life. Dinner and accommodation in the guest house.

Driving time: 3-4 hours

Day 4: Karakol -AltynArashan-Karakol

Today travel for Altyn-Arashan mountain gorge. You will reach the place with a special off-road truck adopted for passengers (Ural). The road goes up to the river Arashan and over the up hills, you will get Arashan hot spring thermal bath valley. Enjoy the natural beauties, take lunch in the wild. The afternoon takes a hike down to Ak-Suu. The terrain is easy hiking and takes about 4 hours basic level. The vehicle will follow the behind for any case to pick up the tired people or because of the weather change conditions. For evening accommodation in the hotel Karagat or Green Yard.

Driving time 2-3 hours, trekking time 3-4 hours

Day 5: Karakol -Bokonbaev villageAfter breakfast travel for Bokonbay region to follow the road on the southern lakeshore of Issyk-Kol lake. On the way visit the Jeti-Ögüz Gorge (Seven Bulls), 1 hour. Visit the Kök-Jaik area (Valley of Flowers), 2-3 hours. Picnic lunch en-route. Continue to the southern shore of Issyk-Kol Lake (3-hour drive). Dinner and overnight stay at the yurt camp.

Driving time 2-3 hours,

Day 6: Bokonbaev village-Naryn

After breakfast travel for Naryn town. On the way visit the village Kyzyl-Tuu. The village is famous for yurt to make the master. The whole village are involved in making the traditional yurts. Almost every family in the village can offer you to buy their yurts. You can visit the best yurt making master’s family to see the workshop process of producing the yurtas by traditional method from ancient time. We can also participate in the installation of the yurt and be welcomed for tea and fresh breads in the just erupted yurt. Continue driving to Naryn, lunch stop in Kochkor. The lunch will be arranged in the local Dungan family (Dungan minority). Test the traditional Dungan cuisine. Late afternoon arrival in Naryn, accommodation in the hotel. Dinner at a local restaurant.

Driving time 4-5 hours.

Day 7: Naryn-Kel Suu

After early breakfast at 07:00 am travel for the mountain Lake Kel-Suu. You will drive due to mountain ranges of Naryn and At-Bashy. It will take approximately 4-5 hours driving. Arrival in the valley Kol Tetiry where you can have an overnight in the yurt camp. Lunch upon your arrival time and after lunch take horses and ride about one hour to explore the lake Kel-Tor. Sightseeing around and return to the yurt camp for sleep. Dine and overnight in the yurt camp.

Driving time 4-5 hours, horse time 1-2 hours

Day 7: Kel Suu-Naryn

Spend the morning time in the place. Enjoy the natural beauty, optional to take a hike to uphill for a better panoramic view. Final lunch from the yurt camp and return to Naryn. Accommodation in the hotel. Dinner at a local restaurant.


Driving time 4-5 hours

Day 8: Naryn-SonKol lake

After breakfast travel for Song-Kol via 32 serpentine passes. The pass goes to Song-Kol from south part and it is the one of most scenery pass to Song-Kol valley. Arrival in Song-Kol yurt camp for late lunchtime. Afternoon free time at the place. Optional to do horse riding practice around. Dine and sleep in the yurt camp.

Driving time 3-4 hours

Day 9: SonKol lake-Bishkek

Early morning at 8:00 am after breakfast you will be dropped by transport on the slope of the mountain range Song-Kol where you will start trekking over the pass Tuz-Ashuu (3300m) to Jumgal region. You will be accompanied by local guides and pack horses to carry your luggage and all need things. The trail is mostly downhill and after descending the river bazar-turuk you will be picked up by your transport to bring you to Bishkek. Arrival in Bishkek, accommodation in the hotel. Farewell dinner at a local restaurant.

Driving time 3-4 hours, trekking time 3-4 hours








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